Monday, July 27, 2009

Lots of Pictures

I have been so bad at getting pictures up here. I am repainting my parents house and it is taking all of my time. So I am putting up pictures from the past little while sorry there is a lot.

Everyone tickles her feet so now she does it to everyone that take there shoes off.
My mom has a chair that a bunny sits in and Emma moved the bunny so she could sit in it. She would turn around and back up and sit down. Sometimes she wouldn't back up enough to actually get on the chair.
She loves her lamb.
I was in the living room and Emma was quite so I yelled down the hall to see if my dad had he he said yes so I didn't worry about it. But when I went down the hall this is what I found.
Emma found a marker and a sucker.
She liked them bothShe had green everywhere. As I walked around the house I kept finding green there was so on the carpet, on the walls, on the kitchen floor, and all over her.
At least it was washable.
My newest niece
Two of my sister in laws
Micheal and Emma
Emma taking money she saw grandpa Sagers put in his pocket
She found it!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sliver Lake

For a family dinner we went up yo Sliver Lake to have dutch oven dinners. It was lots of fun.
Emma and Shannon
Jeff, My dad, and Jordan making the dinner.

Jake and Emma looking at the pot guts.
Emma and Jake still looking at them. Emma was sad I made the move farther away.
Pot Gut eating our food.

It started sprinkling so I put Emma's jacket on with a hood.
Emma and Zane
Shannon trying to stay warm.
I was surprised Emma kept the hood on the whole time.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Family Birthday Party

A few months late but I had a family birthday party for Emma on July 18th. It was lots of fun. We had it at the park so the kids could play and just did cake and ice cream.
My sister Tracy was in town for my grandpa's funeral but was leaving before than so Emma opened her present early.
She just wanted the present. Now how to open it?
Little by little she will get the paper off.
It's a doll!!!
Now all she needs is for it to come out.
Aunt Tracy helped her do that.The cakes
Emma's cake
She tired to blow out the candle but couldn't get it to go out so she went to take it off.
She wouldn't eat it till I gave her a fork.
I forgot a bid so I made one out of the with a plastic bag.
Sharing her cake with Michael.

Th bid didn't last long.

Cleaning up the water on the ground. She is a good helper.
Opening the presents from aunt Tama, uncle Dave, Amiee, Dawson, and Michael.
A doll!!!
She wouldn't put it down the rest of the time. If someone took it from her she would just look at them and try and get it back.
Trying to see what else they gave her.

It's a cell phone!!!
Trying to decide if she wants to get it out.
Uncle Jarod was nice enough to help her out. It was a beautiful towel made by grandma Phillips.
Jarod helping get it started for her she was having a hard time getting the first tear.
Pots and pans from grandma and grandpa Sagers.
She wouldn't put down the doll and cell phone.
A bear that is about as big as her that is from uncle Bryce. She was trying to bring it up the stairs the other day and was having a very hard time.