Saturday, February 12, 2011

Emma's 1st hair cut

I have been trying to decide if I wanted to cut Emma's hair and get it even. On Friday the 11th of February after bath time I decided to do it. I am so glad I did it I think it looks so cute.
BeforeAfter (wet)
I got the hair in a little pony tail and went to cut it and I got the scissors right up to her hair and pulled them away and asked Daniel if I really should. He said yes so I did it.

After I used the blow dryer.

Emma seems to like it she keeps poesying for me to get pictures of her hair. I think she looks more grown up and like her hair is done.

1 comment:

Alyssa Clark said...

Very cute! I wouldn't be brave enough to cut hair myself, but you grew up with your mom doing hair and you used to cut my hair all the time, so you are used to that sort of stuff. I love her hair! You did a great job!