Thursday, October 22, 2009

Together again

Daniel is home!! He got in last night around 7 he got to fly in but was on the last flight. Emma and I went to his work to pick him up. He took her from me and she looked at him than wanted me back I put her down and Daniel walked down the hall and she followed him. She didn't want to get to close but she wanted to see what he was doing. When we got home I made dinner and they watched a movie. Emma sat on Daniel's lap and watched it with him it was so cute to see them together. This morning Daniel got Emma out of bed and she has been fine with him. Daniel had to go to work today and when he left Emma was very sad and kept going to the door to get him. It is great to be together as a family again. Pictures to come.
On another note. I had a doctors appointment and we all went to it. Emma didn't like it when we shut the curtain so Daniel had to hold her most of the time to stop her from crying. Everything is looking good for Mary. I am measuring up right now so Mary has moved and isn't in my back as much. She is still head down and I go back every week now.Her heartbeat was around 153. I have 3 in half weeks left and can't wait to have her here.

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